Tuesday, September 22, 2009

These Are the Days

These Are The Days

These are the days when the shadows grow long

With the sun yearning to break free--

But failing in its arduous struggle with night

It succumbs to the coolness of Autumns breeze

And these are the days when the corn grows tall

With their shoots arching high into the air

And as the crows circle looking for a place to land

The stalks ripple in the wind without a care.

These are the times of vibrant colors

With the changing leaves on display,

Heroically giving their final breath as if to exude

Swiftly approaches the hour requiring greater fortitude

With the careless whims of summer gone

And with solemnness of winter approaching

These were the fleeting moments I cherished

And the memories I longed to hold onto

With the rich harvest moon slowly rising high

And the vividness of a full orange moon

These were the times I must remember

For they were leaving me far too soon.

Alas, these were the nights of cool brisk air

That left whisky trails on my breath

As my lungs bristled to breathe the cold air in

I rejoiced for it was Autumn once again.

-- Greg Butz

September 01, 2009